David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-06-14 William Barth to Dave Elder
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14 June 1945 Dear Mr Elder, Just a few lines to let you know that I've enjoyed reading your weekly issue of "Scuttlebutt" and also to notify you that my address has changed again. I guess I kind of keep my correspondents on the jump. My stay at Corpus Christi was only a month and I don't expect to here much longer than that. My address is now WM.J.Barth S1/c VPD-99 Crew 81-C % FPO San Francisco Calif. I'll be looking forward to getting my next copy of Scuttlebutt Respectfully yours, [S1/c] Wm. J.Barth P.S - Sutten says to say "Hello" and that he'll be writing soon.
14 June 1945 Dear Mr Elder, Just a few lines to let you know that I've enjoyed reading your weekly issue of "Scuttlebutt" and also to notify you that my address has changed again. I guess I kind of keep my correspondents on the jump. My stay at Corpus Christi was only a month and I don't expect to here much longer than that. My address is now WM.J.Barth S1/c VPD-99 Crew 81-C % FPO San Francisco Calif. I'll be looking forward to getting my next copy of Scuttlebutt Respectfully yours, [S1/c] Wm. J.Barth P.S - Sutten says to say "Hello" and that he'll be writing soon.
World War II Diaries and Letters