David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-06-23 Pfc. Max D. See to Dave Elder Page 1
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June 23, 1945 Hello Dave: Your 64th Drip found me still fighting the Battle of Buckingham. It would almost be like coming into the army all over again to move to another place. Not that I've found a home here, not by a long shot. I'm beginning to realize how you folks have been feeling lately as for rain. It has been raining constantly here for 2 1/2 days with not more then an hour or two let up. The place is flooded. It is only 23 ft above sea level, so you can see there isn't far for the water to go into the ground to be saturated. We were on an evacuation alert yesterday and this morning. A Hurricane was reported south of the Keys. But it went out in the Gulf. I wouldn't mind going on another evacuation as we had last October. We flew 65 B-24s to
June 23, 1945 Hello Dave: Your 64th Drip found me still fighting the Battle of Buckingham. It would almost be like coming into the army all over again to move to another place. Not that I've found a home here, not by a long shot. I'm beginning to realize how you folks have been feeling lately as for rain. It has been raining constantly here for 2 1/2 days with not more then an hour or two let up. The place is flooded. It is only 23 ft above sea level, so you can see there isn't far for the water to go into the ground to be saturated. We were on an evacuation alert yesterday and this morning. A Hurricane was reported south of the Keys. But it went out in the Gulf. I wouldn't mind going on another evacuation as we had last October. We flew 65 B-24s to
World War II Diaries and Letters