David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-06-24 Sgt. Robert Dunbar to Dave Elder
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T/Sgt Robert Dunbar 37113195 Co B 1901st Engr Avn Bn APO 331 %p.m. San Francisco, Calif. June 24 - 45 Dear Dave I received two of your scuttlebutts befor finding time to answer, we are pretty busy over here with our work that is the most important thing on this island right now. I can't tell you where I am as maybe you know, But anyway I read in the paper that Cpl Bernard Edward's meet Lt Poster here that is near as I can tell you. By chance I ran into Daryl Tucker the other day he is in the Marines. There several boys here I know but don't have their address. I see in the paper that Sgt Delbert Badham is at Gieger Field we came into the army together. I also was stationed at Geiger Field before coming here. I must close for tonight - I do enjoy the paper very much. Your Friend "BJ"(?)
T/Sgt Robert Dunbar 37113195 Co B 1901st Engr Avn Bn APO 331 %p.m. San Francisco, Calif. June 24 - 45 Dear Dave I received two of your scuttlebutts befor finding time to answer, we are pretty busy over here with our work that is the most important thing on this island right now. I can't tell you where I am as maybe you know, But anyway I read in the paper that Cpl Bernard Edward's meet Lt Poster here that is near as I can tell you. By chance I ran into Daryl Tucker the other day he is in the Marines. There several boys here I know but don't have their address. I see in the paper that Sgt Delbert Badham is at Gieger Field we came into the army together. I also was stationed at Geiger Field before coming here. I must close for tonight - I do enjoy the paper very much. Your Friend "BJ"(?)
World War II Diaries and Letters