David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-06-27 Fred Graham to Dave Elder Page 2
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2 France will be coming home, hope so. I don't know much to say. I haven't heard any news for quite a spell. I just receive some mail, the first in about 3 weeks. The people here are funny but you have got to give credit for they do everything by hand, no up to date tools. All the roads, they break big rock into small pieces an lay them just like we do a brick road. They make mud brick for houses, they make them first an let the sun dry them out.
2 France will be coming home, hope so. I don't know much to say. I haven't heard any news for quite a spell. I just receive some mail, the first in about 3 weeks. The people here are funny but you have got to give credit for they do everything by hand, no up to date tools. All the roads, they break big rock into small pieces an lay them just like we do a brick road. They make mud brick for houses, they make them first an let the sun dry them out.
World War II Diaries and Letters