David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-06-29 Bill Rawn to Dave Elder Page 1
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June 29, 1945 Dear Dave, I want to thank you for your weekly edition of the Scuttlebutt and to let you know that it is doing double duty as I share it with H.B. Mabinely MoMM 2/c whose folks live out on the Brighton Road. He's a member of our boat group and one of the best workers and nicest lads aboard ship. Believe I've seen almost every spot of land out here by now and might remark that with the exception of Australia I will have no desire to ever see any of them again. Dan Morrison had left for the States shortly before we arrived this time but I had a mighty nice visit with him the last trip. I immagine that he was pretty glad to leave as this is about the hottest place I've run across. From past Scuttlebutts I see that I have been in a good many
June 29, 1945 Dear Dave, I want to thank you for your weekly edition of the Scuttlebutt and to let you know that it is doing double duty as I share it with H.B. Mabinely MoMM 2/c whose folks live out on the Brighton Road. He's a member of our boat group and one of the best workers and nicest lads aboard ship. Believe I've seen almost every spot of land out here by now and might remark that with the exception of Australia I will have no desire to ever see any of them again. Dan Morrison had left for the States shortly before we arrived this time but I had a mighty nice visit with him the last trip. I immagine that he was pretty glad to leave as this is about the hottest place I've run across. From past Scuttlebutts I see that I have been in a good many
World War II Diaries and Letters