David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-07-02 Dave Neiswanger to Dave Elder Page 2
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in the midst of getting my rate changed from ordnance to an aircraft mechanic and have been working as a mech since last Nov. and flying as a flight engineer on our PBM's and they have sent a letter in to Washington D.C. to change my rate & I should hear from it in a week or two and I certainly hope that it is approved. Well, Dave guess there isn't much more news from here so will close. As ever, Dave [Dave Neiswanger A.O. M 2/c]
in the midst of getting my rate changed from ordnance to an aircraft mechanic and have been working as a mech since last Nov. and flying as a flight engineer on our PBM's and they have sent a letter in to Washington D.C. to change my rate & I should hear from it in a week or two and I certainly hope that it is approved. Well, Dave guess there isn't much more news from here so will close. As ever, Dave [Dave Neiswanger A.O. M 2/c]
World War II Diaries and Letters