David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-07-05 Lt. John E. Perdock to Dave Elder Page 2
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to me. I hope by now the home town has received that much needed sun the farmers wanted when I was home. If not I'll try to send some of the surplus we have here. That's all the poop for here so give my regards to all the Staff who help put out Scuttlebutt every week. As Ever, John P.S. Don't forget my change of address on the front.
to me. I hope by now the home town has received that much needed sun the farmers wanted when I was home. If not I'll try to send some of the surplus we have here. That's all the poop for here so give my regards to all the Staff who help put out Scuttlebutt every week. As Ever, John P.S. Don't forget my change of address on the front.
World War II Diaries and Letters