David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-07-15 Pfc. Don Crossett ti Dave Elder Page 1
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Kuehl, Austria July 15, 1945 Dear Dave, I have the 62d Drip in front of me so thought I would drop you a line. I have several pictures I took at Dachau Prison near Munich. I'm going to send them to the folks & then have them send them to you. It is the real thing and maybe the people will then realize why we had to fight Germany when we did. I believe Lt. C. Snyder saw the same concentration camp as I did. The only time I saw Charly was at Marrsille (Marseille), France Sure would like to see him. About this angle on which is the roughest - Ken Ward says the Navy Hospital Corps - Hal Longer the Air Corps & Dick Marshall the Infantry. I receive a letter from my
Kuehl, Austria July 15, 1945 Dear Dave, I have the 62d Drip in front of me so thought I would drop you a line. I have several pictures I took at Dachau Prison near Munich. I'm going to send them to the folks & then have them send them to you. It is the real thing and maybe the people will then realize why we had to fight Germany when we did. I believe Lt. C. Snyder saw the same concentration camp as I did. The only time I saw Charly was at Marrsille (Marseille), France Sure would like to see him. About this angle on which is the roughest - Ken Ward says the Navy Hospital Corps - Hal Longer the Air Corps & Dick Marshall the Infantry. I receive a letter from my
World War II Diaries and Letters