David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-07-20 Pfc. Roger K. Banks to Dave Elder Page 2
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of bricks, and trash, consisting of iron, plaster, and other rubbish. When I went thru Mannheim, crossing the Rhine, I thought that city had been bombed as bad as any one place could be, but, it's nothing compared to Pforgheim. The sector in which we are living is nice, and hasn't been touched at all, but one or two of the railroad tracks. This place used to be French occupied, but as you can see, we are occupying it now. Well, Dave, I guess this is all for now. Keep sending the "Drips". So long. As Ever, Rober Banks [PFC. Roger K. Banks]
of bricks, and trash, consisting of iron, plaster, and other rubbish. When I went thru Mannheim, crossing the Rhine, I thought that city had been bombed as bad as any one place could be, but, it's nothing compared to Pforgheim. The sector in which we are living is nice, and hasn't been touched at all, but one or two of the railroad tracks. This place used to be French occupied, but as you can see, we are occupying it now. Well, Dave, I guess this is all for now. Keep sending the "Drips". So long. As Ever, Rober Banks [PFC. Roger K. Banks]
World War II Diaries and Letters