David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-07-21 S/Sgt Don Burger to Dave Elder Page 1
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U.S. ARMY AIR FORCES Denver. Colorado July 21, 1945 Dear Dave, Even though you've been getting double duty recently, I can't say it has slowed things up around that establishment the least bit. I could hardly believe my eyes when I received my "Scuttlebutt" today. (Saturday} Yes, this is Saturday night, & spending it in this hospital is a far cry from what it is in Washington. You mentioned the fact that your mail bag was empty, so thought I might write & tell you how these boys operate in this hospital. The guys they call doctors here couldn't have got a job as mechanics at Mose Levy's in civilian life. Thank goodness, they only decide if a soldier should have a discharge or not, beside their daily duties of "latrine inspectors." I've heard lots of ways of being discharged from this Army such as the point
U.S. ARMY AIR FORCES Denver. Colorado July 21, 1945 Dear Dave, Even though you've been getting double duty recently, I can't say it has slowed things up around that establishment the least bit. I could hardly believe my eyes when I received my "Scuttlebutt" today. (Saturday} Yes, this is Saturday night, & spending it in this hospital is a far cry from what it is in Washington. You mentioned the fact that your mail bag was empty, so thought I might write & tell you how these boys operate in this hospital. The guys they call doctors here couldn't have got a job as mechanics at Mose Levy's in civilian life. Thank goodness, they only decide if a soldier should have a discharge or not, beside their daily duties of "latrine inspectors." I've heard lots of ways of being discharged from this Army such as the point
World War II Diaries and Letters