David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-07-29 Kenny Dunwoody to Dave Elder
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29 July 1945 Dear Ed: The "Scuttlebutt" is still coming through fine. I see where a lot of guys are getting home and I'm sure glad for them. It's swell that the guys that have really been fighting this war can get out that way. I've noticed that several guys from Washington are around these islands in the Pacific. Though I know very few from there and fewer yet by name I still have hopes of seeing some of them. I hardly have time to look anyone up when I do get a chance for we generally just have an hour or two for a beer party. We get to play ball now and then and have quite a time but I'd lots rather be playing for Washington (then I'd be home). If any of the guys are coming out here have them look up the old "BB36" and we'll see if we can get a bull session in full swing. To save both of us a lot of trouble I'll close now thanking you again for the paper. Oh yes! I made first class a few months ago so you can change that. As ever, Kenny Dunwoody, Y 1/c
29 July 1945 Dear Ed: The "Scuttlebutt" is still coming through fine. I see where a lot of guys are getting home and I'm sure glad for them. It's swell that the guys that have really been fighting this war can get out that way. I've noticed that several guys from Washington are around these islands in the Pacific. Though I know very few from there and fewer yet by name I still have hopes of seeing some of them. I hardly have time to look anyone up when I do get a chance for we generally just have an hour or two for a beer party. We get to play ball now and then and have quite a time but I'd lots rather be playing for Washington (then I'd be home). If any of the guys are coming out here have them look up the old "BB36" and we'll see if we can get a bull session in full swing. To save both of us a lot of trouble I'll close now thanking you again for the paper. Oh yes! I made first class a few months ago so you can change that. As ever, Kenny Dunwoody, Y 1/c
World War II Diaries and Letters