David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-07-29 Minor Griffin to Dave Elder Page 1
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July 29 1945 Hi Dave, I received the 69th drip today. Was very glad to receive another one & find the news of the fellows from home. I really appreciate them very much. They are the main source of finding out information of the fellows in the service. The only thing I hate is you can't print a fellow's full address. There has been times when we were next to fellows from home & never knew it untill you are gone or they. I had my chance about a week ago to see the first fellows from home since being in Pearl Harbor last Jan. I was over to see Aloin Kephast (an old school mate & chum) & while we were visiting his Cousin Raymond came to see him. From the two of them I found out quite a number of fellows were on the same Island. Didn't have the time then to see any of them & doubt if I will get back for some time. I read where Lt Clinton Stewart is
July 29 1945 Hi Dave, I received the 69th drip today. Was very glad to receive another one & find the news of the fellows from home. I really appreciate them very much. They are the main source of finding out information of the fellows in the service. The only thing I hate is you can't print a fellow's full address. There has been times when we were next to fellows from home & never knew it untill you are gone or they. I had my chance about a week ago to see the first fellows from home since being in Pearl Harbor last Jan. I was over to see Aloin Kephast (an old school mate & chum) & while we were visiting his Cousin Raymond came to see him. From the two of them I found out quite a number of fellows were on the same Island. Didn't have the time then to see any of them & doubt if I will get back for some time. I read where Lt Clinton Stewart is
World War II Diaries and Letters