David R. Elder correspondence, June-July 1945
1945-07-31 Cpl. Harold W. Jarvis to Dave Elder Page 2
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seas fourteen months and sure has some interesting experiences to tell. He is married now since he has been in the service. Married a girl from Des Moines. Now he is sweating out his discharge. I am feeling fine again now after having a major operation. Have been here in the hospital for 23 days now, hope to get out in a week or ten days. When a person is shut in like this is really when he appreciates his Scuttlebutt. So keep it coming and thanks a million. Sincerely Yours, [Cpl.] Harold W. Jarvis
seas fourteen months and sure has some interesting experiences to tell. He is married now since he has been in the service. Married a girl from Des Moines. Now he is sweating out his discharge. I am feeling fine again now after having a major operation. Have been here in the hospital for 23 days now, hope to get out in a week or ten days. When a person is shut in like this is really when he appreciates his Scuttlebutt. So keep it coming and thanks a million. Sincerely Yours, [Cpl.] Harold W. Jarvis
World War II Diaries and Letters