Harvey W. Wertz correspondence, 1918-1919
1918-02-23 Harvey Wertz to Mr. L.A. Wertz Page 1
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Saturday Feb 23. Dear Dad. I am afraid I havent been writing very regular this last two weeks but Ive been moving again from the village by the lake first to a pretty fair sized town which had been shelled by the Germans and we stayed there a couple of days and then we moved to a little village where we are at now. We had a hike of about 25K that lasted from two in the morning until about 7:30 and I was never so tired in my life. It is a good deal like traveling with a circus, loading at night riding all day and unloading and hiking to our destination the next night. I have been taken out as private and am now an agent de laison or I dont have anything to do with a machine gun anymore there are about 10 of us and sergt M..Namis has charge of us in battle we run errands from commanding affair to headquarters etc. it is a pretty good job alright and I am glad to be one. The whole 10 of us are called Headquarters of the CO. I take care of the first sergeants saddle horse too and I get $2.50 per mo for it and it is a fine job too. so Im getting along fine. The last move we made I rode all the way and lek a lame horse so I had no pack to carry and It suite me exactly. Almost everyday we see battles in the air and they are sure interesting I havent seen any come down yet but they have come awful close to it
Saturday Feb 23. Dear Dad. I am afraid I havent been writing very regular this last two weeks but Ive been moving again from the village by the lake first to a pretty fair sized town which had been shelled by the Germans and we stayed there a couple of days and then we moved to a little village where we are at now. We had a hike of about 25K that lasted from two in the morning until about 7:30 and I was never so tired in my life. It is a good deal like traveling with a circus, loading at night riding all day and unloading and hiking to our destination the next night. I have been taken out as private and am now an agent de laison or I dont have anything to do with a machine gun anymore there are about 10 of us and sergt M..Namis has charge of us in battle we run errands from commanding affair to headquarters etc. it is a pretty good job alright and I am glad to be one. The whole 10 of us are called Headquarters of the CO. I take care of the first sergeants saddle horse too and I get $2.50 per mo for it and it is a fine job too. so Im getting along fine. The last move we made I rode all the way and lek a lame horse so I had no pack to carry and It suite me exactly. Almost everyday we see battles in the air and they are sure interesting I havent seen any come down yet but they have come awful close to it
World War I Diaries and Letters