Harvey W. Wertz correspondence, 1918-1919
1918-04-11 Harvey Wertz to Mr. L.A. Wertz Page 1
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Apr 1 [1918] Dear Dad Well have just received your fine letter of March 4 and as usual I was very glad to hear from you. We are up in the trenches again not at the same place we were before but we are right close to it we are in the woods now and our dugout is dug back under a hill so we have a good dug out it is all lined with steel arches and has electric lights and looks like the New York subway. We have a stove good tables and bunks and the French have been here so long that they have planted evergreens in our front yard and they have grown to a pretty fair size. The woods are all shot up, in fact the Boche cut our wood for us Trees two foot thru snap off like twigs when the start the "lumberwagons" rolling around. We can see buildings fly to peices every once in a while in a little town down in the valley. Yesterday was Easter Sunday and it was very quiet all day Every morning we get up a little before dawn and wait for the show to start but so far everything has gone fine. of course they bonbard a good deal but thats about all. Sergt. McNames went to an officer's training school just before we started for the front the last time. I think he will make a fine officer as he knows a helluva lot and is a d-m good sergeant he will sure work hard too so Im sure he'll come out an officer Say dont let anyone kid you into thinking the German people are not to blame for this war These beasts we are scrapping against are fighting for the fun of killing somebody and they are sure bloody devils. They havent got anything on us either It is muddy here now and our boots sure come in handy I dont know how we would do without them. lf you can I wish you would find out Fuzzy Farleys co. & regt and Blanshans and all the fellows from home I havent been near the18th Engineers where Morgan is if I ever do I am sure going to see him Pretty soon I will have a vacation coming Im pretty sure you get one after you have been here so long Ive been here almost 4 mos now so I soon have a furlough coming I think I will go to Paris if I can well I guess I have told you everything I can for now The war is coming fine with Harvey Im getting my three meals per day (pretty good grub too) and my money is being sent home at the rate of $20 a month and I have not much to do I got a good bunch to get along with and so I can complain of course there is a little excitement now and then but if there wasnt it would be no fun to go to war Well Goodbye for now your loving son Pvt. H. W. Wertz M. G. Co. 168 Inf. A. E. F.
Apr 1 [1918] Dear Dad Well have just received your fine letter of March 4 and as usual I was very glad to hear from you. We are up in the trenches again not at the same place we were before but we are right close to it we are in the woods now and our dugout is dug back under a hill so we have a good dug out it is all lined with steel arches and has electric lights and looks like the New York subway. We have a stove good tables and bunks and the French have been here so long that they have planted evergreens in our front yard and they have grown to a pretty fair size. The woods are all shot up, in fact the Boche cut our wood for us Trees two foot thru snap off like twigs when the start the "lumberwagons" rolling around. We can see buildings fly to peices every once in a while in a little town down in the valley. Yesterday was Easter Sunday and it was very quiet all day Every morning we get up a little before dawn and wait for the show to start but so far everything has gone fine. of course they bonbard a good deal but thats about all. Sergt. McNames went to an officer's training school just before we started for the front the last time. I think he will make a fine officer as he knows a helluva lot and is a d-m good sergeant he will sure work hard too so Im sure he'll come out an officer Say dont let anyone kid you into thinking the German people are not to blame for this war These beasts we are scrapping against are fighting for the fun of killing somebody and they are sure bloody devils. They havent got anything on us either It is muddy here now and our boots sure come in handy I dont know how we would do without them. lf you can I wish you would find out Fuzzy Farleys co. & regt and Blanshans and all the fellows from home I havent been near the18th Engineers where Morgan is if I ever do I am sure going to see him Pretty soon I will have a vacation coming Im pretty sure you get one after you have been here so long Ive been here almost 4 mos now so I soon have a furlough coming I think I will go to Paris if I can well I guess I have told you everything I can for now The war is coming fine with Harvey Im getting my three meals per day (pretty good grub too) and my money is being sent home at the rate of $20 a month and I have not much to do I got a good bunch to get along with and so I can complain of course there is a little excitement now and then but if there wasnt it would be no fun to go to war Well Goodbye for now your loving son Pvt. H. W. Wertz M. G. Co. 168 Inf. A. E. F.
World War I Diaries and Letters