Harvey W. Wertz correspondence, 1918-1919
1918-05-24 Harvey Wertz to Mr. L.A. Wertz Page 2
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one fellow to sleep and told him he needed a haircut and put another fellow to sleep and told him he was a barber and of course the poor Devil got a hair cut and an egg shampoo throwed in it tickled us almost to death but the poor guy didn't enjoy it as much when he came too He had a fine black head of hair too, I guess he is off hypnotism for life. There is a woman giving a talk at the Y. tonight I don't know what she's talking about but I think I'll go down after while Haven't got any mail for about a week or so but we are watchfully waiting
one fellow to sleep and told him he needed a haircut and put another fellow to sleep and told him he was a barber and of course the poor Devil got a hair cut and an egg shampoo throwed in it tickled us almost to death but the poor guy didn't enjoy it as much when he came too He had a fine black head of hair too, I guess he is off hypnotism for life. There is a woman giving a talk at the Y. tonight I don't know what she's talking about but I think I'll go down after while Haven't got any mail for about a week or so but we are watchfully waiting
World War I Diaries and Letters