David R. Elder correspondence, August-September 1945
1945-09-17 Don Orr to Dave Elder Page 2
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storm hit further west. I Caught the boat the next day and we were sent to Port O'Connor Tex about 130 miles south west of Galveston and are trying to rebuild a station before another storm hits. They had a 135 M.P.H. wind registered here, then the velocity indicator took off along with everything else. A few brave army boys volunteered to stay out here on our Island, They had to radio for guns to be dropped as the rattlesnakes were driven in their barracks by high Tides. Dave will you send my Scuttlebutts to C. G. Operating Base CG74300 Galveston Texas please. Harriet has been forwarding them to me from Mobile but she will be coming home soon and I'll certainly appreciate if you will do that. Hope to be getting out soon as I have sufficient points. Certainly will be glad to get back home and get away from the Negroes and Mexicans. Have really enjoyed your Scuttlebutts, they not only speak for you but also all the boys scattered over the world. Please be more careful Dave, remember your Boy Scout days are over. You can't be climbing trees at your age. Just listen to Mabel and you won't be getting into trouble. Sincerely Don Orr. [Don Orr BM 2/c]
storm hit further west. I Caught the boat the next day and we were sent to Port O'Connor Tex about 130 miles south west of Galveston and are trying to rebuild a station before another storm hits. They had a 135 M.P.H. wind registered here, then the velocity indicator took off along with everything else. A few brave army boys volunteered to stay out here on our Island, They had to radio for guns to be dropped as the rattlesnakes were driven in their barracks by high Tides. Dave will you send my Scuttlebutts to C. G. Operating Base CG74300 Galveston Texas please. Harriet has been forwarding them to me from Mobile but she will be coming home soon and I'll certainly appreciate if you will do that. Hope to be getting out soon as I have sufficient points. Certainly will be glad to get back home and get away from the Negroes and Mexicans. Have really enjoyed your Scuttlebutts, they not only speak for you but also all the boys scattered over the world. Please be more careful Dave, remember your Boy Scout days are over. You can't be climbing trees at your age. Just listen to Mabel and you won't be getting into trouble. Sincerely Don Orr. [Don Orr BM 2/c]
World War II Diaries and Letters