David R. Elder correspondence, August-September 1945
1945-09-23 Pvt. Ronald P. Sowash to Dave Elder
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Sept 23, 1945 Honalulu, Oahu. Dear Friend "Dave". By the time you get this I hope to be on my way home, so you can mark my name off the list of Scuttlebutt reader's. I really enjoyed that little paper Dave & I want to thank you & all who made it possible for me to get my copy. I will try when I get home to get in touch with you & thank you in person, you really can't imagine how nice it was, to keep in touch, Even though it was just in writing, with all the other fellow's in the Service from around home. My wife of course, did a swell job to, but there was so many fellow's I new, that she didn't know. I know you are plenty busy, Dave so I will, call this enough, hoping to see you in the near future. I remain. Sincerely, [Sodie?] [Pvt. Ronald P. Sowash]
Sept 23, 1945 Honalulu, Oahu. Dear Friend "Dave". By the time you get this I hope to be on my way home, so you can mark my name off the list of Scuttlebutt reader's. I really enjoyed that little paper Dave & I want to thank you & all who made it possible for me to get my copy. I will try when I get home to get in touch with you & thank you in person, you really can't imagine how nice it was, to keep in touch, Even though it was just in writing, with all the other fellow's in the Service from around home. My wife of course, did a swell job to, but there was so many fellow's I new, that she didn't know. I know you are plenty busy, Dave so I will, call this enough, hoping to see you in the near future. I remain. Sincerely, [Sodie?] [Pvt. Ronald P. Sowash]
World War II Diaries and Letters