David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-10-08 Cpl. Dick Wunerus to Dave Elder Page 2
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the local swains and belles trot down to the stream which bisects the town, strip off their clothes and proceed with a public bath. They aren't a bit reticent about it and after it is nice to have someone to wash your back. The only real excitement around here was two nights ago. One of our frequent typhoons was lashing the area with full fury and the peaceful inmates of our tent were (as always) snoozing away. At two a.m. a sudden howl from inside the tent jerked us all from the horizontal to the vertical, three flashlight beams swept the tent, which was now becoming quite noisy, and there in our large waste basket was a mother dog giving birth to 4, 5 and finally six little yelpers. This is way too long now, Dave. Yours, Dick Wunerus [Cpl. Philip R. Wunerus]
the local swains and belles trot down to the stream which bisects the town, strip off their clothes and proceed with a public bath. They aren't a bit reticent about it and after it is nice to have someone to wash your back. The only real excitement around here was two nights ago. One of our frequent typhoons was lashing the area with full fury and the peaceful inmates of our tent were (as always) snoozing away. At two a.m. a sudden howl from inside the tent jerked us all from the horizontal to the vertical, three flashlight beams swept the tent, which was now becoming quite noisy, and there in our large waste basket was a mother dog giving birth to 4, 5 and finally six little yelpers. This is way too long now, Dave. Yours, Dick Wunerus [Cpl. Philip R. Wunerus]
World War II Diaries and Letters