David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-10-09 Lt. Wayne A. Simmerman to Dave Elder Page 1
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9 Oct 45. Dear Scuttlebut - I have received may copies of your fine sheet and I wish to take this oppertunity to thank you for sending the Scuttlebut to me. Thru my own negligence I have been receiving them late because I failed to inform you of my change of address. But since I've been commissioned I've been very transient. As far as that goes I still am, but in the future I'll try to keep you informed. My new address is below Lt. Wayne A. Simerman USMC 15-Q-1 Camp Joseph H. Pendleton Oceanside Cal.
9 Oct 45. Dear Scuttlebut - I have received may copies of your fine sheet and I wish to take this oppertunity to thank you for sending the Scuttlebut to me. Thru my own negligence I have been receiving them late because I failed to inform you of my change of address. But since I've been commissioned I've been very transient. As far as that goes I still am, but in the future I'll try to keep you informed. My new address is below Lt. Wayne A. Simerman USMC 15-Q-1 Camp Joseph H. Pendleton Oceanside Cal.
World War II Diaries and Letters