David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-10-12 Lt. G.B. Hughes to Dave Elder Page 1
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Oct 12, 1945 Hello Dave: Although I have never expressed it in writing before let me take this opportunity to express my thanks and appreciation for a lot of Scuttlebutts that have been thoroughly enjoyed. In order that I can continue to receive them, would you change my address to 1235 Clarkson, Denver, Colorado. Just to keep the records straight, I am now stationed
Oct 12, 1945 Hello Dave: Although I have never expressed it in writing before let me take this opportunity to express my thanks and appreciation for a lot of Scuttlebutts that have been thoroughly enjoyed. In order that I can continue to receive them, would you change my address to 1235 Clarkson, Denver, Colorado. Just to keep the records straight, I am now stationed
World War II Diaries and Letters