David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-10-14 Pfc. Eddie Prebyl, Jr. to Dave Edler Page 1
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Oct 14, 1945 Le Havre, France Dear Dave, I guess its high time I get busy and write you a few lines again. I've been receiving your Scuttlebutt Dave. In fact they have been comming to me at 3 & 4 at a time. The reason is all of my back mail is finially catching up to me. For instance at one mail call about a week ago I received 72 letters and since that bunch I have been getting five & six every night most of it still all back mail. A few of them have been recent. But not many of them. I never realized that I was so far back on the news until I received all of those letters. But now I feel that I have about everything purty well up to date. I hope my mail starts comming through now
Oct 14, 1945 Le Havre, France Dear Dave, I guess its high time I get busy and write you a few lines again. I've been receiving your Scuttlebutt Dave. In fact they have been comming to me at 3 & 4 at a time. The reason is all of my back mail is finially catching up to me. For instance at one mail call about a week ago I received 72 letters and since that bunch I have been getting five & six every night most of it still all back mail. A few of them have been recent. But not many of them. I never realized that I was so far back on the news until I received all of those letters. But now I feel that I have about everything purty well up to date. I hope my mail starts comming through now
World War II Diaries and Letters