David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-10-20 Pfc. Bill Arnold to Dave Elder Page 2
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Too bad about the Demons this year, and also the University of Iowa teams. I've signed up to play on a six man team for inter battalion competition. Don't know how the're going to work out, but should get good fun out of it, and bruses too. Gosh with all the new industries and other swell plans that Washington is hatching, I can't help but see a future among some of us fellows, right in our old home town. Dave my present address is Pfc. Bill Arnold 37678355 604 Port Co. 51st T.C. Sero. Bn. APO 75 (Manila) c/o Pm San Francisco, Calif. Keep passing them out to my fella cause I'm still down the list quite aways. Give all the gang and Mable, "Da big hello" from me. As ever, Bill
Too bad about the Demons this year, and also the University of Iowa teams. I've signed up to play on a six man team for inter battalion competition. Don't know how the're going to work out, but should get good fun out of it, and bruses too. Gosh with all the new industries and other swell plans that Washington is hatching, I can't help but see a future among some of us fellows, right in our old home town. Dave my present address is Pfc. Bill Arnold 37678355 604 Port Co. 51st T.C. Sero. Bn. APO 75 (Manila) c/o Pm San Francisco, Calif. Keep passing them out to my fella cause I'm still down the list quite aways. Give all the gang and Mable, "Da big hello" from me. As ever, Bill
World War II Diaries and Letters