David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-10-27 M/Sgt. Arden Safnek to Dave Elder
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[Namur?], Belgium Oct 27,-D+508 Dear Dave:- Just a line to tell you, you can scratch me from your list of Scuttlebutt. I'm transferring into the 397th Bomb Group & coming home with them. Are supposed to ship sometime the last of Nov. Have enjoyed your publication a lot these past two years & they furnished me with two scoops over here. One on Johnnie [Rothlisbergers?] escape & one on Major Putman being alive & O.K. We'll stop in for a chat when I hit Washington. Thanks again. Yours.-- M/Sgt. A Safnek 399 Sig. Co (Avn) [M/Sgt. Arden Safnek]
[Namur?], Belgium Oct 27,-D+508 Dear Dave:- Just a line to tell you, you can scratch me from your list of Scuttlebutt. I'm transferring into the 397th Bomb Group & coming home with them. Are supposed to ship sometime the last of Nov. Have enjoyed your publication a lot these past two years & they furnished me with two scoops over here. One on Johnnie [Rothlisbergers?] escape & one on Major Putman being alive & O.K. We'll stop in for a chat when I hit Washington. Thanks again. Yours.-- M/Sgt. A Safnek 399 Sig. Co (Avn) [M/Sgt. Arden Safnek]
World War II Diaries and Letters