David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-10-31 Pfc. Robert J. Nicola to Dave Elder Page 1
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Wednesday Afternoon Oct. 31, 1945 Luzon Dear Dave: Just a few lines to let you know I'm still alive, if maybe forgotten, and to send you that copy of our Regimental paper that I promised you. Glad to see that Washington took Fairfield to a cleaning. Maybe they'll finish up the season okay. Gosh; but a lot of fellows are getting out of the Services, sure glad to see it. Don't have a lot of time to bemoan my position anymore, with Guard, school, ball playing, etc. to keep me occupied. Really have a full day.
Wednesday Afternoon Oct. 31, 1945 Luzon Dear Dave: Just a few lines to let you know I'm still alive, if maybe forgotten, and to send you that copy of our Regimental paper that I promised you. Glad to see that Washington took Fairfield to a cleaning. Maybe they'll finish up the season okay. Gosh; but a lot of fellows are getting out of the Services, sure glad to see it. Don't have a lot of time to bemoan my position anymore, with Guard, school, ball playing, etc. to keep me occupied. Really have a full day.
World War II Diaries and Letters