David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-11-06 Cpl. Max D. See to Dave Elder Page 1
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Nov. 6, 1945 Hello Dave: I'm a fine one I'll admit. I've been getting each drip of the S.B. quite regularly but just can't seem to get any letters written in return. I'll try and do better after this. I really enjoy each & every drip. I feel the same as the rest of the guys & gals about hearing of so many fellows getting home & of all your notices to discontinue S.B. I just wish I could say I'll soon be home also. Although I am a little more encouraged now. They are getting down in my 41 point bracket now 50 pointers are leaving next week for seperation center & 40 pointers are leaving for consoladation centers by the end of the month. I'm
Nov. 6, 1945 Hello Dave: I'm a fine one I'll admit. I've been getting each drip of the S.B. quite regularly but just can't seem to get any letters written in return. I'll try and do better after this. I really enjoy each & every drip. I feel the same as the rest of the guys & gals about hearing of so many fellows getting home & of all your notices to discontinue S.B. I just wish I could say I'll soon be home also. Although I am a little more encouraged now. They are getting down in my 41 point bracket now 50 pointers are leaving next week for seperation center & 40 pointers are leaving for consoladation centers by the end of the month. I'm
World War II Diaries and Letters