David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-11-11 Pvt. Lyle Box to Dave Elder Page 1
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[letterhead] 11-Nov.-45. Hello Dave, Sorry I haven't written sooner but I just didn't take the time. I want to thank you now for sending me the scuttlebut & it have been very interesting. You can stop it for awhile tho, as I expect to be home by Saturday for a few days. Then I imagine it will be overseas for us younger fellows. Our cycle ended Fri. the 9th. One happy day I'm telling you. It seems like a hell of a long time since
[letterhead] 11-Nov.-45. Hello Dave, Sorry I haven't written sooner but I just didn't take the time. I want to thank you now for sending me the scuttlebut & it have been very interesting. You can stop it for awhile tho, as I expect to be home by Saturday for a few days. Then I imagine it will be overseas for us younger fellows. Our cycle ended Fri. the 9th. One happy day I'm telling you. It seems like a hell of a long time since
World War II Diaries and Letters