David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-11-15 Lt. Col. W.G. Eldridge to Dave Elder Page 1
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[letterhead] 15 Nov. 45 My dear Dave: Just a note to tell you all is well and that I may need some help. I have orders to report via air to 1st Cav. Div in Tokyo 30 Dec. I have been recommended for a Major Regular Army and because I agreed to stay in for the duration I am subject to O/S asgmt. I will retain my temporary commission for the duration but it is a good break for a country boy. I have had the 2nd Regt since 21 Aug and I guess I'm doing ok since I retain command with full Colonels sitting in the pool. What I would like to have you help me on is this. I will open my house when I come home on leave 12 Dec prior to going O/S and I would like to get someone to live with Opal during my absence.
[letterhead] 15 Nov. 45 My dear Dave: Just a note to tell you all is well and that I may need some help. I have orders to report via air to 1st Cav. Div in Tokyo 30 Dec. I have been recommended for a Major Regular Army and because I agreed to stay in for the duration I am subject to O/S asgmt. I will retain my temporary commission for the duration but it is a good break for a country boy. I have had the 2nd Regt since 21 Aug and I guess I'm doing ok since I retain command with full Colonels sitting in the pool. What I would like to have you help me on is this. I will open my house when I come home on leave 12 Dec prior to going O/S and I would like to get someone to live with Opal during my absence.
World War II Diaries and Letters