David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-11-26 Pfc. Kimball A. Gates to Dave Elder Page 2
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I happen to be one of the lucky boys that will stay on Okinawa until they give it back to the natives I guess. For some reason not known, the Chinese didn't want me so I'm in a salvage company here on beautiful, scenic, balmy, sunny Okinawa dumping gear into the ocean. As per usual we had turkey for Thanksgiving but not in the usual military manner, oh no! The tables were set for eight and one roasted turkey in the middle of each table, carve your own piece brother, but, be sure you carve only turkey and not someone elses hand. For Marines, we are eating like kings buy it's no fault of the Marine Corps. We have our own scavengers that pick up fresh chow when and where it is the handiest. Otherwise, "C" rations would be our menu Sincerely Yours, P.F.C. Kimball A. Gates USMCR
I happen to be one of the lucky boys that will stay on Okinawa until they give it back to the natives I guess. For some reason not known, the Chinese didn't want me so I'm in a salvage company here on beautiful, scenic, balmy, sunny Okinawa dumping gear into the ocean. As per usual we had turkey for Thanksgiving but not in the usual military manner, oh no! The tables were set for eight and one roasted turkey in the middle of each table, carve your own piece brother, but, be sure you carve only turkey and not someone elses hand. For Marines, we are eating like kings buy it's no fault of the Marine Corps. We have our own scavengers that pick up fresh chow when and where it is the handiest. Otherwise, "C" rations would be our menu Sincerely Yours, P.F.C. Kimball A. Gates USMCR
World War II Diaries and Letters