David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-12-01 Lt. Curly M. Fleeny to Dave Elder Page 1
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Ponca City 1 December 1945 Dear Dave, Visiting an Army friend of mine who has a Clothing store here. He is out of clothes like every-one else. But even if I have to wear a bathing suit to work at Nicola & Harmon, I'll still be home before I miss my fifth Christmas. So stop ScuttleButt. They are turning me out to pasture. Thanks, Dave, for contributing so much for the Community to the "boys in the service" thru your weekly letters. It has been no picnic for you but has done a world of good in keeping us all up on the civilian way of life we have dreamed about. Dave, I hope Washington will keep its progressive attitude that seems to have developed in the past few years. I have noticed many cities in the past 4 1/2 years
Ponca City 1 December 1945 Dear Dave, Visiting an Army friend of mine who has a Clothing store here. He is out of clothes like every-one else. But even if I have to wear a bathing suit to work at Nicola & Harmon, I'll still be home before I miss my fifth Christmas. So stop ScuttleButt. They are turning me out to pasture. Thanks, Dave, for contributing so much for the Community to the "boys in the service" thru your weekly letters. It has been no picnic for you but has done a world of good in keeping us all up on the civilian way of life we have dreamed about. Dave, I hope Washington will keep its progressive attitude that seems to have developed in the past few years. I have noticed many cities in the past 4 1/2 years
World War II Diaries and Letters