David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-12-09 Pfc. Bill Hammes to Dave Elder Page 1
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Mindanao, P.I. 9 Dec. 45 Hello Dave, I've been getting Scuttlebutt OK but I've been screened from the 31st Div., who have left for the States, because of not enough points. This is the best address I can give. This island is to be evacuated & a lot of mean & equipment have left already. I see Bill Arnold hit it OK being in Manila and Bob Nicola seems to be getting quite a ride in this army. This place hasn't much to offer but I
Mindanao, P.I. 9 Dec. 45 Hello Dave, I've been getting Scuttlebutt OK but I've been screened from the 31st Div., who have left for the States, because of not enough points. This is the best address I can give. This island is to be evacuated & a lot of mean & equipment have left already. I see Bill Arnold hit it OK being in Manila and Bob Nicola seems to be getting quite a ride in this army. This place hasn't much to offer but I
World War II Diaries and Letters