David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-12-09 Cpl. Max D. See to Dave Elder Page 1
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Dec 9, 1945 Hello Dave: This will be somewhat of note as I have a few other "notes" to write this afternoon. This will be my last letter to you from here as I am leaving tomorrow I'm getting a delay in-route to my next field, which is Sebring, Fla, D_ They sure don't want me to leave these everglades. I'm to report the 30th of Dec. I'm going to spend my Xmas in Oklahoma this time instead of Iowa. I had hopes of getting out by Xmas at one
Dec 9, 1945 Hello Dave: This will be somewhat of note as I have a few other "notes" to write this afternoon. This will be my last letter to you from here as I am leaving tomorrow I'm getting a delay in-route to my next field, which is Sebring, Fla, D_ They sure don't want me to leave these everglades. I'm to report the 30th of Dec. I'm going to spend my Xmas in Oklahoma this time instead of Iowa. I had hopes of getting out by Xmas at one
World War II Diaries and Letters