David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-12-23 M/Sgt. Howard Cookley to Dave Elder
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Dec 23 - 45 Mannheim, Ger Hi Dave Sorry I can't write you a letter like most of them you get telling you not to send Scuttlebutt anymore. I'll be around to read a few yet. Down to 50 over here now so may get in the next drop. Have been here at Mannheim since last July and probably will be here until we get ready to start home. Gave Bill Horseal a surprise visit just before thanksgiving, [got?] up to see him the other day but they had moved to Russellheim near Wiesbaden. Hope I can get up that way during New Years Holidays. Several of the fellows went down to see Gen. Pattons Car after the accident. It was only about a mile down the road from here. Have been listening to the Funeral Services at Hiedelberg this afternoon. Well Dave this is about all for now. Get a lot news out of Scuttlebutt. Howard. [M/Sgt. Howard Cookley]
Dec 23 - 45 Mannheim, Ger Hi Dave Sorry I can't write you a letter like most of them you get telling you not to send Scuttlebutt anymore. I'll be around to read a few yet. Down to 50 over here now so may get in the next drop. Have been here at Mannheim since last July and probably will be here until we get ready to start home. Gave Bill Horseal a surprise visit just before thanksgiving, [got?] up to see him the other day but they had moved to Russellheim near Wiesbaden. Hope I can get up that way during New Years Holidays. Several of the fellows went down to see Gen. Pattons Car after the accident. It was only about a mile down the road from here. Have been listening to the Funeral Services at Hiedelberg this afternoon. Well Dave this is about all for now. Get a lot news out of Scuttlebutt. Howard. [M/Sgt. Howard Cookley]
World War II Diaries and Letters