David R. Elder letters, October-December 1945
1945-12-24 S/Sgt. Ronald V. Hotle to Dave Elder
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Honolulu, T.H. 24 Dec 1945 Dear Dave, I'm terribly afraid that my letter of appreciation is a little behind schedule but I can't think of any better time to do it than the day before Christmas. I guess I've received about 70 copies of the "Scuttlebutt" and will probably receive a dozen more. What the next move with the points will be--we're still sweating out. From where I'm sitting right now I can see ships leaving the harbor so it looks like some of the fellows will make it for New Years, at least. "Happy New Year" and So Long, Ronald [S/Sgt. Ronald V. Hotle]
Honolulu, T.H. 24 Dec 1945 Dear Dave, I'm terribly afraid that my letter of appreciation is a little behind schedule but I can't think of any better time to do it than the day before Christmas. I guess I've received about 70 copies of the "Scuttlebutt" and will probably receive a dozen more. What the next move with the points will be--we're still sweating out. From where I'm sitting right now I can see ships leaving the harbor so it looks like some of the fellows will make it for New Years, at least. "Happy New Year" and So Long, Ronald [S/Sgt. Ronald V. Hotle]
World War II Diaries and Letters