John William Graham letters, May-July 1944
1944-05-12 John Graham to Mr. & Mrs. W.J. Graham Page 1
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May 12, 1944 Italy Dear Dad & Mon: Another good day, not too busy but kept out of mischief. Saw my friend Eley again today and had quite a visit reminiscing over old times, he and I were together for fifteen months. Several of the fellows are getting their radios and we get some very good programs and the news, both allied and german broadcast many of the musical numbers are American recordings so they aren't far different than back home. It is almost as difficult to under stand the British announcers as the german. There were a bunch of American soldiers over here who stated a rodeo not long ago and rather mystified the natives, they couldn't see much sense in the whole thing I guess. The horses and mules didn't have the pep our broncos have either but I guess it was entertainment. Am now reading a biography of George Washington Carver and find it very interesting He must have been a great man regardless of color or what. The book itself I think is well written too and not hard reading. Before I left the states I ordered some
May 12, 1944 Italy Dear Dad & Mon: Another good day, not too busy but kept out of mischief. Saw my friend Eley again today and had quite a visit reminiscing over old times, he and I were together for fifteen months. Several of the fellows are getting their radios and we get some very good programs and the news, both allied and german broadcast many of the musical numbers are American recordings so they aren't far different than back home. It is almost as difficult to under stand the British announcers as the german. There were a bunch of American soldiers over here who stated a rodeo not long ago and rather mystified the natives, they couldn't see much sense in the whole thing I guess. The horses and mules didn't have the pep our broncos have either but I guess it was entertainment. Am now reading a biography of George Washington Carver and find it very interesting He must have been a great man regardless of color or what. The book itself I think is well written too and not hard reading. Before I left the states I ordered some
World War II Diaries and Letters