Thomas W. Messenger correspondence, 1917
1917-10-28 Thomas Messenger to Fred Messenger Page 1
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In my tent Just after Supper Oct 28 - 1917 My Dear Bro Fred:- Well here comes at last the long delayed answer to your letter. Expect you are having some great old times in High School. Was very glad to hear of your being elected President of your class. Quite an honor, to be sure. Are you and Ruth on as good terms as ever. Fred I hear from Iowa City quite often ha. Can you guess who from. ..... Well I had to leave off just then to go down and help hay the horses. The 13th & 14th squads are on today. I'm in the 13th. Lucky number isn't it. Two squads are on every day to feed groom and exercise them. We had a nice six or seven mile ride this morning and it seemed good to get on a horse again. Maybe I could ride Doc. Wells horse now. Oh yes we've got some on the picket line that have more pep than that one. We've been digging trenches the past two weeks and finished Friday morning. Saturday morning was inspection. Major Philpot was not present and Capt. Garmon of Company A. inspected us. Fred, I wish you could hear Major
In my tent Just after Supper Oct 28 - 1917 My Dear Bro Fred:- Well here comes at last the long delayed answer to your letter. Expect you are having some great old times in High School. Was very glad to hear of your being elected President of your class. Quite an honor, to be sure. Are you and Ruth on as good terms as ever. Fred I hear from Iowa City quite often ha. Can you guess who from. ..... Well I had to leave off just then to go down and help hay the horses. The 13th & 14th squads are on today. I'm in the 13th. Lucky number isn't it. Two squads are on every day to feed groom and exercise them. We had a nice six or seven mile ride this morning and it seemed good to get on a horse again. Maybe I could ride Doc. Wells horse now. Oh yes we've got some on the picket line that have more pep than that one. We've been digging trenches the past two weeks and finished Friday morning. Saturday morning was inspection. Major Philpot was not present and Capt. Garmon of Company A. inspected us. Fred, I wish you could hear Major
World War I Diaries and Letters