Jolley Family correspondence, 1887-1919
1887-09-23 Letter from E.J. Jolley Page 3
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winter it is so cold it was 28 below zero for three weeks at a strech last winter and so low as 48 below at times wheat is 54 ct a bushel now butter 25 ct a pound eggs 15 ct a dozen flour [$225?] per hundred provisions and clothing is high Dear brother i have no ill feeling toward you or your famly and iff you can get me a place for this winter i will take the first train after i hear from you iff you cant get me a place i will go east in the spring and will be shure to stop off and see you before i go home
winter it is so cold it was 28 below zero for three weeks at a strech last winter and so low as 48 below at times wheat is 54 ct a bushel now butter 25 ct a pound eggs 15 ct a dozen flour [$225?] per hundred provisions and clothing is high Dear brother i have no ill feeling toward you or your famly and iff you can get me a place for this winter i will take the first train after i hear from you iff you cant get me a place i will go east in the spring and will be shure to stop off and see you before i go home
World War I Diaries and Letters