War between the states essay, 1861
1861-07-04-Page 03
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3 Our country at that time was but thinly settled consequently our soldiers were but few in comparison to that of the enemy. But thank God the were endowed with stout hearts and unconquorable spirits equal to the emergency, prompted to action by the justness of their cause, relying on the promise that the race is not always to the swift, nor victory to the strong, But beside the brittish forces we had another enemy at home to contend with and which greatly annoyed us, The Brittish had enlisted many of the Indian tribes on our frontier in their favor, and as an inducement to heighten their savage ferosity, and complete the work of murder and bloodshed, they offered them large bounties for every american citezen they should kill and bring their scalps to them, Thus the work of carnage which is so congenial to the savage nature, and at the same time could make it an item of profit induced them to murder thousand of our defenceless citizens along the frontier in cold blood. And again we had still another very treacherous home enemy in our midst, and that was the Tories who would upon every occasion fall in with the enemy, give them all the aid and comfort the possibly could, the would inform the enemy of the movement of our troops
3 Our country at that time was but thinly settled consequently our soldiers were but few in comparison to that of the enemy. But thank God the were endowed with stout hearts and unconquorable spirits equal to the emergency, prompted to action by the justness of their cause, relying on the promise that the race is not always to the swift, nor victory to the strong, But beside the brittish forces we had another enemy at home to contend with and which greatly annoyed us, The Brittish had enlisted many of the Indian tribes on our frontier in their favor, and as an inducement to heighten their savage ferosity, and complete the work of murder and bloodshed, they offered them large bounties for every american citezen they should kill and bring their scalps to them, Thus the work of carnage which is so congenial to the savage nature, and at the same time could make it an item of profit induced them to murder thousand of our defenceless citizens along the frontier in cold blood. And again we had still another very treacherous home enemy in our midst, and that was the Tories who would upon every occasion fall in with the enemy, give them all the aid and comfort the possibly could, the would inform the enemy of the movement of our troops
Civil War Diaries and Letters