Heelis family cookbook, 1850s
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without our fears. But their allies being unable on account of their many voices ([illegible] [illegible]) to unite and defend themselves were enslaved with the exception of ourselves and the [illegible]; but we, being left to our own laws, forsooth, joined them in their expeditions, and no longer looked upon the Athenians as generals we could rely on, judging of them by previous examples; for it was not likely that they should have subdued them whom they made confederates with us but would not do it to the remainder if ever as was probable they should have it in their power.
without our fears. But their allies being unable on account of their many voices ([illegible] [illegible]) to unite and defend themselves were enslaved with the exception of ourselves and the [illegible]; but we, being left to our own laws, forsooth, joined them in their expeditions, and no longer looked upon the Athenians as generals we could rely on, judging of them by previous examples; for it was not likely that they should have subdued them whom they made confederates with us but would not do it to the remainder if ever as was probable they should have it in their power.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks