Mrs. John Scobell recipe collection manuscript, Reynolds lodging, January 6, 1803
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64 Red Currant Jelly Gather your currants when they are dry and full ripe, strip them off the stalks, put them in a large stew pot, tie a paper over them, and let them stand an hour in a cool oven, strain them through a cloth, and to every quart of juice add a pound and a half of loaf sugar broken in small lumps, stir it gently over a clear fire till your sugar is melted, stir it well, let it boil pretty quick twenty minutes. pour it hot into your pots; if you let it stand it will break the jelly, it will not set so well as when it is hot; put brandy papers over them, and keep them in a dry place To make orange cream Take the juice of four Seville Oranges, and the cut rind of one [illegible] fine, put them into a tossing pan with a pint of water, and eight ounces of
64 Red Currant Jelly Gather your currants when they are dry and full ripe, strip them off the stalks, put them in a large stew pot, tie a paper over them, and let them stand an hour in a cool oven, strain them through a cloth, and to every quart of juice add a pound and a half of loaf sugar broken in small lumps, stir it gently over a clear fire till your sugar is melted, stir it well, let it boil pretty quick twenty minutes. pour it hot into your pots; if you let it stand it will break the jelly, it will not set so well as when it is hot; put brandy papers over them, and keep them in a dry place To make orange cream Take the juice of four Seville Oranges, and the cut rind of one [illegible] fine, put them into a tossing pan with a pint of water, and eight ounces of
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks