Miss Collins recipe collection manuscript, 19th century?
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Sunderland puddings A pint of milk, three large spoonsfull of flour five eggs, a little pounded cinnamon & sugar butter some teacups and fill them half full; bake them half an hour. serve them with melted butter, wine, and sugar. To stew a knuckle of veal Cut a knuckle of veal in pieces, pepper, salt, and flour it, put one large onion and a few sweet herbs, brown all together with a little butter, then pour boiling water on it, & let it stew three hours. Mome a la Creme Frites la cuire dans l'ean apres qu'elle est egouttee vons la laves par femillets. metter dans une Caperole un bon morceau de beurre, une demie cuillerie de farine 8 du gros poivre, mouiller avec de la creme en du lait, faite hier la sauce
Sunderland puddings A pint of milk, three large spoonsfull of flour five eggs, a little pounded cinnamon & sugar butter some teacups and fill them half full; bake them half an hour. serve them with melted butter, wine, and sugar. To stew a knuckle of veal Cut a knuckle of veal in pieces, pepper, salt, and flour it, put one large onion and a few sweet herbs, brown all together with a little butter, then pour boiling water on it, & let it stew three hours. Mome a la Creme Frites la cuire dans l'ean apres qu'elle est egouttee vons la laves par femillets. metter dans une Caperole un bon morceau de beurre, une demie cuillerie de farine 8 du gros poivre, mouiller avec de la creme en du lait, faite hier la sauce
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks