Miscellaneous letters to Helen Fox, 1933-1945
1933-01-16 Maureen Croly to Helen Fox Page 3
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3 "go haywire" too if I had to read much of them. Has it ever occured to you that the French are a race of hypocrites? You know of course that that is their favourite sneer at Americans & English -- we're supposed to be the last word in hypocrisy. Well, I have met, & got to know fairly well, quite a number of French and Spanish people, and I think they're the most awful lot of whited sepulchres. Last summer we had a French girl to stay with us for a short while -- she was governessing in Felpham [illegible], and Mother said she could come for a holiday and try to improve my French, poor girl! -- and she taught me
3 "go haywire" too if I had to read much of them. Has it ever occured to you that the French are a race of hypocrites? You know of course that that is their favourite sneer at Americans & English -- we're supposed to be the last word in hypocrisy. Well, I have met, & got to know fairly well, quite a number of French and Spanish people, and I think they're the most awful lot of whited sepulchres. Last summer we had a French girl to stay with us for a short while -- she was governessing in Felpham [illegible], and Mother said she could come for a holiday and try to improve my French, poor girl! -- and she taught me
World War II Diaries and Letters