Miscellaneous letters to Helen Fox, 1933-1945
1942-01-24 Maureen Croly to Helen Fox Page 4
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pelmet (never know these furnishings) of lightweight wood is the best solution. It looks neat, can be painted to match walls, and hides rails on which blackout curtains run. At hospital we have plywood screens to fit the windows, but they always warp. I expect you'll be able to give me tips about neat blackouts. But one tip I can give you, in raids stay away from glass - it really is a menace, and one that is often overlooked. Let me know if you get into any of the Services, and if you do, send a snap. American uniforms are worth looking at! I've found a Spanish refugee to talk to, and we have conversations, painfully halting on my part, and just a thought too slangy on his. Foreigners seem to think we all go around talking like gangsters in films. Once again, ever so many thanks for the gift - I will write and tell you how I like it, as soon as the first number comes along. Yours, Maureen. [Croly] [diagram blackout window arrangement] wood box top wood sides
pelmet (never know these furnishings) of lightweight wood is the best solution. It looks neat, can be painted to match walls, and hides rails on which blackout curtains run. At hospital we have plywood screens to fit the windows, but they always warp. I expect you'll be able to give me tips about neat blackouts. But one tip I can give you, in raids stay away from glass - it really is a menace, and one that is often overlooked. Let me know if you get into any of the Services, and if you do, send a snap. American uniforms are worth looking at! I've found a Spanish refugee to talk to, and we have conversations, painfully halting on my part, and just a thought too slangy on his. Foreigners seem to think we all go around talking like gangsters in films. Once again, ever so many thanks for the gift - I will write and tell you how I like it, as soon as the first number comes along. Yours, Maureen. [Croly] [diagram blackout window arrangement] wood box top wood sides
World War II Diaries and Letters