Emma Cornelia Ricketson cookbook manuscript, New Bedford, December 1862
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Clam Soup Mrs R. 3 doz clams, 4 qt liquor strained 1 pint water, 1 pint milk, a little red pepper, mace & salt, three tablespoonful flour Force Meat Balls F.C.K. 4 Lbs Raw Beef 1 Lb Do Salt Pork, chop both very fine, then mix them thoroughly. 2 table spoons sage, 1 Do summer savory, a little salt, 1 teaspoon red pepper 1 Do Black pepper, make them in Balls & fry them in nothing Scalloped Oysters Pallman Drain nearly all the Liquor from the oysters put them in the Dish they are to be cooked in. Then mix bread crumbs or crackers with pepper, salt, mace & allspice enough of each to season well - put alternate layers of oysters & crumbs, pour melted butter over the top of them. Bake 30 minutes.
Clam Soup Mrs R. 3 doz clams, 4 qt liquor strained 1 pint water, 1 pint milk, a little red pepper, mace & salt, three tablespoonful flour Force Meat Balls F.C.K. 4 Lbs Raw Beef 1 Lb Do Salt Pork, chop both very fine, then mix them thoroughly. 2 table spoons sage, 1 Do summer savory, a little salt, 1 teaspoon red pepper 1 Do Black pepper, make them in Balls & fry them in nothing Scalloped Oysters Pallman Drain nearly all the Liquor from the oysters put them in the Dish they are to be cooked in. Then mix bread crumbs or crackers with pepper, salt, mace & allspice enough of each to season well - put alternate layers of oysters & crumbs, pour melted butter over the top of them. Bake 30 minutes.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks