John William Graham letters, July 1945
1945-07-07 John Graham to Mr. & Mrs. William J. Graham Page 2
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first of next week, didnt use up nearly all our money on the other one. It cant be prorated out among the men of the squadron to settle it up but has to be spent so everyone will get something out of it and a party seems about the only way. The fellows who went to Tobago reported a nice time, good beach and a pretty sight from the air. Maybe later on I can catch it tho I'd rather see Iowa than anyplace I can think of. Guess things are progressing according to schedule with this job so perhaps it wont be too many months. Found a little chunk of that plastic screen i was telling you about Dad, so will put it in so you can see what its like. Will close for today -- Love Johnny
first of next week, didnt use up nearly all our money on the other one. It cant be prorated out among the men of the squadron to settle it up but has to be spent so everyone will get something out of it and a party seems about the only way. The fellows who went to Tobago reported a nice time, good beach and a pretty sight from the air. Maybe later on I can catch it tho I'd rather see Iowa than anyplace I can think of. Guess things are progressing according to schedule with this job so perhaps it wont be too many months. Found a little chunk of that plastic screen i was telling you about Dad, so will put it in so you can see what its like. Will close for today -- Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters