John William Graham letters, July 1945
1945-07-14 John Graham to Mr. & Mrs. William J. Graham Page 1
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July 14, 1945 Trinidad Dear Dad & Mom: Have my writing stuff outside in the shade and it's quite cool. One good thing down here there is always a breeze stirring and the frequent rains keep the air cooled off. Just came from signing the pay roll for the months of June & July guess will be paid both months together sometime in August. Will have lots of money then. Sure hope there is nothing wrong with it so it doesnt go thru. We are allowed an extra suit of khakis down here and an extra pair of coveralls so I went over this morning and turned in my sizes. Probably wont wear the khakis but it's all right to have them. One of the fellows brought the mail and I have one from you an air mail sent the eleventh. Gosh if the middle west is short of meat what must the rest of the country be doing for it. Glad you have the chickens to fall back on, maybe you should go fishing too. There is a fellow who works in the welding shop at the hangar where I am who comes from New Hampton, dont know him but I'll go over and look him up someday as long as he comes from that good part of the country.
July 14, 1945 Trinidad Dear Dad & Mom: Have my writing stuff outside in the shade and it's quite cool. One good thing down here there is always a breeze stirring and the frequent rains keep the air cooled off. Just came from signing the pay roll for the months of June & July guess will be paid both months together sometime in August. Will have lots of money then. Sure hope there is nothing wrong with it so it doesnt go thru. We are allowed an extra suit of khakis down here and an extra pair of coveralls so I went over this morning and turned in my sizes. Probably wont wear the khakis but it's all right to have them. One of the fellows brought the mail and I have one from you an air mail sent the eleventh. Gosh if the middle west is short of meat what must the rest of the country be doing for it. Glad you have the chickens to fall back on, maybe you should go fishing too. There is a fellow who works in the welding shop at the hangar where I am who comes from New Hampton, dont know him but I'll go over and look him up someday as long as he comes from that good part of the country.
World War II Diaries and Letters