John William Graham letters, July 1945
1945-07-26 John Graham to Mr. & Mrs. William J. Graham Page 3
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old was I when she died? I think grandma would be as well off in Callender as any place for she surely will never be satisfied away from there. You spoke of bananas being high at home, they cost us six cents apiece and they grow all around here. Of course down town they can be bought for a British penny or two cents, the natives soon get wise to sticking the soldiers. Over in Italy eggs cost thirty five cents apiece if you bought them from the [guinnys?]. Those plastic chains for dog tags are not so hot for when you're hot & sweaty they stick to the neck. Im sorry to say the little silver one you sent me a long time ago, completely wore out the links got so weak after I patched it several times I gave it up. Have another one now. I'm reading "Klondike Mike" now and it has started off pretty well, he is almost such a character as Paul Bunyan but its easy reading. Say what about the color of silk hose they have about three shades & its greek to me what's the best one. As near hide color as possible? When we get paid I'll send some so let me know if you can the shade, or can they be tinted if they dont suit. We asked a girl who works in an office here & she said they are very nice hose -- Love Johnny
old was I when she died? I think grandma would be as well off in Callender as any place for she surely will never be satisfied away from there. You spoke of bananas being high at home, they cost us six cents apiece and they grow all around here. Of course down town they can be bought for a British penny or two cents, the natives soon get wise to sticking the soldiers. Over in Italy eggs cost thirty five cents apiece if you bought them from the [guinnys?]. Those plastic chains for dog tags are not so hot for when you're hot & sweaty they stick to the neck. Im sorry to say the little silver one you sent me a long time ago, completely wore out the links got so weak after I patched it several times I gave it up. Have another one now. I'm reading "Klondike Mike" now and it has started off pretty well, he is almost such a character as Paul Bunyan but its easy reading. Say what about the color of silk hose they have about three shades & its greek to me what's the best one. As near hide color as possible? When we get paid I'll send some so let me know if you can the shade, or can they be tinted if they dont suit. We asked a girl who works in an office here & she said they are very nice hose -- Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters