Conger Reynolds correspondence, 1917
1917-04-21 John Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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Home April 21 1917 Dear Boy Your very good letter was received some days ago and in answer I would say first we are more than delighted in the way you take the war Situation and in the way you hope to get in to it if it is necessary for you to help out if this war was one of a purley Patriotic one when our Flag had been insulted and our Country invaded It would be easey for me to think of my 3 Boys helping to defend at the risk of their lives that wich I have had the Pleasure and honor of defending in my feeble young Boyhood days', but I do not see it Just that way had we had a man at the helm of this nation who had less yellow down his back and like our old war Hoss Grant had Said in first Place no more of your insults or I will Bobard your pants and went into action ther would have not been any use of Such expenditure of men and money. We have quite a good lot smal farming done but it is So wet and cold that it cant do much good. Mrs Synthia Marshal died last Friday and was buried Sunday (Mary Marshal was married at her Mothers request before She passed away at about 2 Hours before her Mother Died"
Home April 21 1917 Dear Boy Your very good letter was received some days ago and in answer I would say first we are more than delighted in the way you take the war Situation and in the way you hope to get in to it if it is necessary for you to help out if this war was one of a purley Patriotic one when our Flag had been insulted and our Country invaded It would be easey for me to think of my 3 Boys helping to defend at the risk of their lives that wich I have had the Pleasure and honor of defending in my feeble young Boyhood days', but I do not see it Just that way had we had a man at the helm of this nation who had less yellow down his back and like our old war Hoss Grant had Said in first Place no more of your insults or I will Bobard your pants and went into action ther would have not been any use of Such expenditure of men and money. We have quite a good lot smal farming done but it is So wet and cold that it cant do much good. Mrs Synthia Marshal died last Friday and was buried Sunday (Mary Marshal was married at her Mothers request before She passed away at about 2 Hours before her Mother Died"
World War I Diaries and Letters