Conger Reynolds correspondence, March 1-17, 1918
1918-03-17 Emily Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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"Saint Patrick' Day in the mornin' March 17, 1918 My dear, dear Son ÷ This is the sabbath day in Dexter, A most wonderful day, the kind we sometimes see in early Spring. The beautiful sky lightly vailed in filmy white, just enough to soften the sun rays, A wonderful soft breeze from the north. Birds are singing with very joy in their preparations for nest building and up in the maples the buds are swelling. All these things and many others tell us in no uncertain words that Spring really is here though the calenders tell us she is not
"Saint Patrick' Day in the mornin' March 17, 1918 My dear, dear Son ÷ This is the sabbath day in Dexter, A most wonderful day, the kind we sometimes see in early Spring. The beautiful sky lightly vailed in filmy white, just enough to soften the sun rays, A wonderful soft breeze from the north. Birds are singing with very joy in their preparations for nest building and up in the maples the buds are swelling. All these things and many others tell us in no uncertain words that Spring really is here though the calenders tell us she is not
World War I Diaries and Letters