Conger Reynolds correspondence, January 1918
1918-01-09 CongerReynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 1
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D.G.R. PM Jan 10, 1918 Wednesday evening. My Dearest,- Never before tonight have I realized what a refuge the Y.M.C.A. is. I ain't got no home! I must have dropped my key in my room before I went to dinner. Anyhow, when I return at 7:45 I haven't it. I ring the bell. No response. I repeat. Still no answer. Nobody home. So I am obliged to go elsewhere. The light burning brightly in the window of the Y.M.C.A. beckons, and here I am. My visions of a long evening at home in which to do a pile of things is shattered. But here I can write to you. That is a great deal. Today was wonderful, because it brought me your letter, mailed
D.G.R. PM Jan 10, 1918 Wednesday evening. My Dearest,- Never before tonight have I realized what a refuge the Y.M.C.A. is. I ain't got no home! I must have dropped my key in my room before I went to dinner. Anyhow, when I return at 7:45 I haven't it. I ring the bell. No response. I repeat. Still no answer. Nobody home. So I am obliged to go elsewhere. The light burning brightly in the window of the Y.M.C.A. beckons, and here I am. My visions of a long evening at home in which to do a pile of things is shattered. But here I can write to you. That is a great deal. Today was wonderful, because it brought me your letter, mailed
World War I Diaries and Letters